Setup Summary for Probe for Windows Launch PFW Connect to hardware New run, name *.mdb file in proper folder location Name run and parameters Acquire Window New Sample: New Sample Name: create name Option: Load Element Setup to load presaved elements from Setup.mdb Option: Load File Setup to load complete sample setup and associated standards from preexisting run Add/Remove Standards to add Standards to run (can do this anytime prior to peaking and standardization) Elements/Cations Option: Load Element Setup from Setup.mdb element database Option: Load Sample Setup to load a Sample Setup (elements, standards, calculation options) from current run only Click on row to open Element Properties window Enter Element symbol, X-ray line, Spectrometer, Crystal -- minimum input required Important: Use proper background offsets and PHA settings, peak position will be updated during peaking Repeat to build element list Add Oxygen as Specifiec element as last, Use blank X-ray line to denote specified element Analytical Conditions Set Analytical Conditions and Beam Mode/Magnification as necessary This window enforces conditions on exit Peak/Scan Options Click on element row to review offsets for backgrounds, wavescans Count Times Edit count times for peak and backgrounds, can set scaling factor for unknown vs. standard count times Review total sample count time from ratemeter bars at bottom of window Nominal beam is obsolete for JEOL/Cameca as all measurements acquire probe current Acquisition Options Acquisition Order to Descending Angstroms or User Defined Order if using Time Dependent Intensity Other options as desired (absorbed current) Automatic Analysis means perform ZAF correct at conclusion of intensity measurements, only set this after primary standards have all been acquired Option: If spectrometers are to be peaked on samples, set this up by clicking on element row Special Options Use Self Calibration option to use Time Dependent Intensity correction for beam sensitive elements Otherwise always use Normal Acquisition Analyze Window Standard Assignments to assign Standards to each element in sample Click on element row to open Assignment Properties window From top to bottom: Standard assignment using pulldown menu Interference Assignment (example: Ti Kb interference on V Ka, Use Ti 1, TiO2 to setup interference on element V) Time Dependent Intensity: Inspect TDI fit for data already acquired for this sample Blank Correction to adjust "blank" value Calculation Options Calculate with Stoichiometric Oxygen for samples with Oxygen as specified element Display Results as Oxides Detection limit and homogeneity for samples with more than 3 analysis points Other element options: Difference, Stoich to another element: (0.33 Carbon to 1 Oxygen for carbonates with CO2 by stoich) Formula and Mineral Calculation Set formula basis for total cation sum or relative to number of oxygens Mineral formula for olivine, etc. if desired NOTE: Calculation options need to be set for Standards vs. Samples and can be applied to a range of samples (multiselect from list) or specific samples (ctrl-click) Automate Window If the XYZ position file has not been imported for standard positions, or standards to be used have not been digitized then do so. NOTE: Make sure all standard positions have been exported to a .pos file as a backup. Important: Position.mdb is scratch file that all runs have access to, and requires user to backup to appropriate .pos text file for archiving. Default location for position files is PFW Position File directory. Use Standards Radio button to show Standard positions Select Standards button to highlight standards in current run. Important: Verify that standards added to run also have position file entries which will be used for driving the stage during automated analysis. Automation Actions Confirm Standard Positions checkbox (only) then Run Selected Samples to cycle through all standards and set XYZ position Peak Spectrometers checkbox (only) and Peaking button to highlight all elements to be peaked. Automation options: Peak on Assigned Standards is selected by default, only want to peak Na on Albite for example. Run Selected Samples to cycle through all standards for spectrometer peaking. Inspect peaking as procedure is active, also inspect peaking summary from log window. Upon completion: Run menu, Display and Export Scans, inspect the peaking profiles that were acquired and saved to run